custom adventure bike wheel
Adventure Bike Dream Wheel Custom wheel with an Enve rim and Rohloff hub.
custom mountain bike wheel with Project 321 hub and Spank Rim
Nice Colors on a Wide Downhill Wheel This Spank rim is 157mm wide with a Project 321 hub. Love the blue and green.
custom mountain bike wheel with colored nipples
Multi-Colored Nipples This custom mountain bike wheel was made with randomly colored nipples.
Custom Road Bike Wheels
Custom Road Bike Wheels Dave also makes custom road bike wheels.
Mountain Wheel with white rim and red spokes
Custom Mountain Bike Wheel A white rim + black and red spokes = sharp dressed bike.
Custom Road Wheel
Built for Speed This is one sleek-looking wheel!
custom bike wheel build
Slick! White and gold and a sweet lace pattern. Nice!

Custom Wheel Clients


Custom Built Wheels


Years as Cat III Racer


Dave's Rides per Year

Dave has been part of the biking industry since 1972 and continues to advance the wheelbuilder's art. An off-road bike rider since 1968 and Cat III racer for 10 years, Dave has been hand-building custom bicycle wheels since 1978.